ad hoc music 2011
We are looking forward to exciting improv months. Concentration is the theme of the new series.
Thursday, 20 October 2011 – MUG

Dave Bennett, guitar, tapes, radio
Derek Shirley, bass
Michael Thieke, clarinet, zither
hotelgäste - the name seems to imply vagueness and volatility, an inconspicuous, aimless coming and going. And yet: this German-Canadian cooperation gives rise to extremely precise and dense results.
Favouring fractally filigreed structures of microtonality rather than sonic blasts, they create wonderfully floating soundscapes. A constantly changing flow of tones and noise, silence and sound help us to experience familiar things with a completely fresh awareness.
The group's cohesion and the diverse input of every member generate complexity and clarity at the same time, promising an extraordinary concert experience.
Organised by Offene Ohren e.V.
Thursday, 27 October 2011 – MUG
Duo 1510

Scott R. Looney, piano, electronics
Klaus Janek, bass, electronics photo: © H. Schneider
This duo came together for the first time at Looney's sound studio in Oakland, California, in 2009. The music is based on acoustically and structurally interacting territories, with concepts of logic and contrast as primary design methods. The result oscillates between meditative, almost ambient sounds, bold free jazz attacks and acoustic improvisation.
Klaus Janek comes from an avantgarde background, writes music for films, theater and dance and sees the bass not only as an instrument but also as a starting point for sonic research. Scott R. Looney has always been interested in a broad range of contemporary and experimental music, having played with people like Oliver Lake, ROVA, Joëlle Léandre and Henry Kaiser.
Organised by Offene Ohren e.V.
Sunday, 27 November 2011 – MUG
Dans les arbres

Xavier Charles, clarinet
Ivar Grydeland, guitar
Christian Wallumrød, piano
Ingar Zach, percussion
Photo: © Andreas Ulvo
The name alone points strongly to the organically slow but steady and inexorable evolution of the group and its music.
During their last visit in Munich, at the Jazzlines in March 2009, they mesmerized their audience by originating, blending and transforming the subtlest of sounds and timbres. The core of the quartet was formed by Grydeland and Zach in the late 90's. Later in Norway - and also via ECM - they encountered Wallumrød and Charles. Finally in 2006, the quartet's music was documented on CD for the first time.
Even then they had an incredibly homogenous group sound that has been further perfected since. The group's concerts are like a film, making the audience forget time and space.
Organised by Offene Ohren e.V.
Thursday, 01 December 2011 – Jazzclub Unterfahrt
Jürg Wickihalder European
Quartet feat. Irène Schweizer

Fabian Gisler, bass
Jürg Wickihalder, soprano saxofone
Irène Schweizer, piano
Michael Griener, drums
Photo: © PeterMydske
For more than five decades Irène Schweizer has probed all directions of jazz including free improvisation. Without being hampered by stylistic constraints, she employs elements from the almost hundred-year-old jazz history.
On this night she will play solo in the first set and in quartet in the second set with Jürg Wickihalder and Fabian Gisler, both from Zurich, and drummer Michael Griener from Berlin.
Irène Schweizer has been playing with Jürg Wickihalder on a regular basis as a duo performing mainly a repertoire of compositions by Thelonious Monk. What all four musicians share is their love and respect for the jazz tradition and at the same time their appetite for free excursions, giving rise to a music full of dance and melody.
Organised by Jazzclub Unterfahrt
Friday, 02 December 2011 – Jazzclub Unterfahrt

Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, bass
Magnus Broo, trumpet
Paal Nilssen-Love, drums
Fredrik Ljungkvist, clarinet
Havard Wiik, piano
Atomic are regarded as one of the most important bands of the Nordic underground that has caused quite a stir throughout Europe. Moreover, they work with other leading contemporary jazz musicians like the American Chris Potter, the Briton Iain Ballamy, the Finn Jukka Perko and the Swede Per "Texas" Johansson.
Founded in the spring of 1999 by five adventurous young musicians, the ensemble puts its emphasis on a strong group identity where individual expression of freedom has to take a backseat. Atomic play only their own compositions combining in an inimitable way free and modal approaches with modern grooves. The explosive rhythmic energy works as a kind of glue holding together sophisticated notated ensemble passages, cooking collective improvisations and passionate solos.
Organised by Jazzclub Unterfahrt
Wednesday, 07 December 2011 – MUG
Allbee – Cremaschi - Heenan

Liz Allbee, trumpet, electronics
George Cremaschi, bass Photo: © Vaclav Stepan
Chris Heenan, contrabass clarinet, alto saxophone
The members of this trio hail from Vermont, New York and Washington DC but have got together in Berlin.
Drawing on diverse musical roots, the group succeeds in bringing freshness, complexity and unruliness to each of its concerts.
Albee focuses mainly on her trumpet here - with and without electronics. Cremaschi's musical vision encompasses, alongside jazz, contrasting styles like rock, folk, classical orchestra, theater and installations. Heenan works extensively as a solo performer on the contrabass clarinet and in a large variety of experimental music projects. One of these has already payed a visit to Offene Ohren: TeamUp with Michael Vorfeld and Jeremy Drake.
Organised by Offene Ohren e.V.
Friday, 09 December 2011 – MUG
This night will bring us a double feature of the "Norway of Jazz".

Eyolf Dale, piano
André Roligheten, saxophone
André Roligheten and Eyolf Dale had played together during high school before forming the duo Albatrosh. Now they are studying at the Norwegian Music Academy and have attracted international interest with their project Albatrosh.
In 2008 Roligheten and Dale were honored as "Young Jazz Musicians of the Year" at the Norwegian Jazzintro Contest - an acknowledgement of their innovative chamber jazz approach walking the tightrope between formal rigour and improvised freedom: Their music is based on their improvised expression, tied into their own compositions. Albatrosh is about the acoustic sound of the piano and saxophone, and with this they try to explore the possibilities of this lineup - working with expressions and sounds.
Humcrush+Sidsel Endresen

Sidsel Endresen, vocal
Ståle Storløkken, keyboards
Thomas Strønen, drums, electronics
Photo: © H. Schneider
The second set will be reminiscent of ad hoc music 2007:
Humcrush is sophisticated and arresting music living fully in the present moment and drawing on an unlimited array of gestures and timbres from contemporary electronic music to create something fresh and vibrant.
Humcrush is Ståle Storløkken, keyboard player of the Norwegian quartet Supersilent, und Thomas Strønen, cofounder and drummer of the Norwegian-British band Food. Interacting on a fascinatingly intimate level, the duo forges a bridge between analog and digital music, resulting in an exciting roller coaster ride through the world of electro-acoustics.
The brilliant vocalist Sidsel Endresen blends into their sound effortlessly and manages to build on it spontaneously, energetically, playfully, melodically and with sudden flashes of temper.
Organised by Jazzclub Unterfahrt
Thursday, 15 December 2011 – Jazzclub Unterfahrt
Schlippenbach Trio

Evan Parker, saxophone
Alexander von Schlippenbach, piano
Paul Lovens, percussion
The "Schlippenbach Trio" has written European free jazz history with a music that swings. Today it is one of the longest-standing collectives of improvised music.
What becomes apparent during each of its concerts is the huge variety of jointly acquired knowledge. Schlippenbach's collective approach to improvisation challenges the musical lawmakers who only want to rely on unique happenings. This is what makes the trio's music so wonderful: intensity and density, sonic mountains and quiet horizons, drawn from a well-stocked treasure chest of common playing experiences. - Christian Broecking
Organised by Jazzclub Unterfahrt
The organisers would like to thank the Kulturreferat München for its continuous help allowing to present the seventh edition of ad hoc music.